Painting Service Packages from C&L

These are the most common paint jobs we handle. These all include our time, consumables including Spray.Bike paint, and transport between one of our bike shops and our paint studio.

Not included items which may have extra variable costs, usually fairly modest:

  • More than one colour
  • Colour effects
  • Applying decals provided by you
  • Masking for panels or cutouts

Disassembly and reassembly of a complete bicycle are not included - all this assumes a frame with no installed parts. We can disassemble and reassemble your bike if you bring it to one of our stores for the labour fee usually associated with a frame transfer.

Those interested in decals for their bikes should peruse Bike Decals, we can order from them and may occasionally have extras of popular styles. We can apply their transfers to your frame between the colour and top-coats. We don't currently offer in-house stencils or decals but watch this space.

Painting over an existing like-new factory paint job
  • Sanding current paint
  • Colour coat
  • Matte or Semi-gloss top coat
Painting a raw steel frame
  • Surface sanding
  • Primer coat and sanding
  • Colour coat
  • Matte or Semi-gloss top coat
Painting a dinged, painted frame that needs smoothing
  • Putty filling and sanding
  • Primer coat and sanding
  • Colour coat
  • Matte or Semi-gloss top coat
Stripping and painting a frame
  • Media blasting
  • Primer coat and sanding
  • Colour coat
  • Matte or Semi-gloss top coat
Disassembling and reassembling a bicycle
  • Cost to get down to just the frame
  • In-store labour
  • No paint or other services
Optional extra: gloss top-coat
  • Extra coats
  • Polishing time
  • Add-on to a standard package