Group Rides, a retrospective

Summer is for bike rides, and we’ve been hosting plenty of them! From seeing seldom visited parts of the city, to meeting so many new people and spending more time with familiar faces, our group rides have been a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for all us here at C&L.

From the first snowy ride, to the huge Patriot’s Day outing, the format and intention hasn’t changed: relaxed, easy-going, short rides to somewhere nice, outside. Our group rides are always at an extremely social pace for those wanting a unifying outdoor experience.

We love the regulars that never miss an outing, and it warms our hearts to see so many new faces from one ride to the next!

In a world seemingly dominated by tech innovations, marginal gains, plastics and microplastics, it’s nice to remember that cycling can also mean going slow, taking in the sights and keeping it simple. 

With all that said, the composition of C&L Cycle is still pretty homogenous with the rest of the industry, being mostly comprised of cis white men. It’s easy for us to call ourselves inclusive, but that’s not really how that works, right? Though we strive to listen, make space and think beyond ourselves, we recognize that blindspots may still exist. We’re therefore committed to being open to receiving criticisms, comments or concerns. Coffee rides are for everyone! Cycling is for everyone!

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